Essay Rubric: Practical Guide on How to Write Essays
Essay rubrics are set of guidelines set out by educational authorities like GED, to grade or assess student’s essays assignments, it makes grading less complicated and much easy to evaluate, and due to its importance in determining the quality of work professional custom essay writers like ProfEssays adopt it in creating excellent jobs for their clients. This device can be used by students read further to find out how.
Most teachers rely on the use it use to assess students work, because it saves time, encourages dedication to work, makes them objective, focused, and discourage dishonesty in the process of grading because the rule was not written by them, so they are unable to be tempted into favoritism.
Rubrics can be used by individuals to determine if their custom essay papers are properly written according to the set standard, by the online custom papers writers hired by them, this is where most companies fails, but ProfEssays the knowledge of rubrics is used by them to grade the research papers written to make sure it meets all required standards, they also subject the papers to plagiarism check that is why they are preferred by all, go ahead place your orders now, like they say “a trial will convince you”
Importance of Rubrics to Students
- Students are not left out;
- Rubrics facilitate their work by making them to understand why and how they passed or failed a particular essay topic,
- It helps them to identify their week points and how to overcome it,
- It saves time and energy
- It makes students achieve their goal quicker without fail.
Since the topic is about grading essays, it can there for be used in creating guideline to writing essay topics such as; Abortion, analytic, expository, persuasive, thematic, philosophy essay etc, it should however not be confused with essay format or essay outline, while rubric centers on grading assignment to yield results, the later simply help in acting as a principle to be adopted in the writing proper.
We will the example below to assess rubrics
Example of research paper topic; is it true that that bad government is responsible for the slow state of economic development in Africa?
This is how you will use rubrics:
1. Identify the purpose in the topic, is it to persuade, argue, etc choose yes, or no
2. Thesis statement, was it well formed? Choose yes or no
3. Is the introduction catchy? Choose yes or no
4. Was the essay delivered in argumentative style?
5. Did it contain examples, references or suitable information to back up claim?
Five elements that is used in rubrics they are; Focus, organizations, convention, understanding and support. This article will surely give you an idea of how to write or generate essay rubrics, for more detailed information please contact ProfEssays, you will be glad you did.
Effort have been provided to make sure that essays are written professionally, by all writers, among such effort is rubric, essay cover page, essay plan, etc. you also have the opportunity to hire professionals. No more excuse for failing, start writing. Learn more about the reasons to buy essays from ProfEssays and why you can be sure your assignment will be completed before the deadline.