Objectives for the Research Methodology: Data Collection and Tips
Gathering information, or what others may know as information mining, is a crucial part of any writing – essay, term, or research paper writing. Without this no effective writing will take place. You should get right on to it because adequate information gives credence to declarations, arguments, controversies, etc. This is where the objectives of research methodology come from. you may have already learned the purpose of methodology. Actually, research methodology has to do with how to obtain information, compilation, analysis, and presentation of results in a research assignment.
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- Objectives of a Research Methodology
- Objectives of a Research Paper
- Objectives for the Research Definition
- Objectives for the Qualitative Research
- Objectives for the Research Proposal
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Objectives’ Classification
There are several objectives for research methodology. It should be taken into consideration that such objective for research methods as data collection is a basic and obligatory step for a successful paper. Every research starts with the information that is relevant to the topic of the writing. Moreover, from the viewpoint of objectives any research paper may be classified as: 1) correlational, 2) explanatory, 3) exploratory, and 4) descriptive. Correlational research is conducted, in order to prove the existence of a relationship between two or more issues. Explanatory research is necessary to find out why and how the relationship between the aspects takes place. Exploratory research is applied to explore the field, where little is known. As for descriptive research, it is conducted to give a description and explanation of a certain situation or problem. All the data is gathered in the dependence on the research objective. The research question may be answered in two ways – by means of structured (quantitative research) or unstructured approach (qualitative research).
Among the objectives for research is that the paper must be organized so that it will be easy for a reader to find a particular section or paragraph. It is very important to complete the writing in a required style. It is also necessary to make a summary of the work done and present it in the past tense. All the sentences and phrases must have correct spelling and grammar. Research writers must not use abstract information and provide the readers with strong arguments concerning the problem under analysis. If necessary, one should present tables and schemes.
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All writing assignments have a goal, which is to demonstrate an idea to a reader or audience effectively and persuasively. It requires some level of proof to lend credence to ones opinion, suggestion, ideas, submission, declaration, thesis statement, etc. Argumentation, evaluation, controversy, comparison and contrast, cause and effect strategies are not enough for the confirmation of information. It is necessary to resort to the use of systematic analysis, evaluation and presentation of facts or data. It is called research methodology, which often comes after research writing. Sociology, marketing, environmental, health and medicine, anthropology, scientific professional research paper and essay writing are among the fields that require data analysis. For instance, let’s take this research topic “The effect of the change of product rebranding on consumers of Coca-Cola.” It may be categorized under marketing discipline and it requires a huge amount of research.
Objectives of a Research Methodology
The objectives of a research methodology:
- give credibility to a claim or belief
- show the source of data mining in order to prove the depth, extent and validity of research
- help the writer to spot the result of the data analysis without going through the works of interpreting the research analysis
- help one to know the research paper rubric grading for the assignment
- leads to discovery and inventions; most scientific discoveries happened through this pattern
- the use of statistical analysis like ANOVA, market analysis, descriptive etc helps to give answers to research queries, like the one above
- give the readers an idea on what devises are good for a particular data
- Gather the information from libraries, journals, survey, poll, questionnaires, interviews, internet, etc
- Make a sample design for classification
- Subject the samples to statistical analysis like ANOVA, or the type that best suits your purpose
- Present the result in a comprehensive form for readers to read and understand.
Under objectives for research approach are often meant inductive and deductive approaches. The first one is frequently called “bottom up” approach, as it works moving from specific observations to broader ideas or generalizations. As a rule, this way of reasoning involves some degree of uncertainty. Deductive approach starts with some general idea and then focus on the specific notion. Deductive reasoning is applied for rules, laws and accepted principles. Inductive reasoning is applied to consider inductive arguments.
Objectives of a Research Paper
Objectives for research paper should be considered by everyone, who is going to deal with this writing. Thus, any research is written to determine: 1) a phenomenon, 2) the characteristics of a certain object or person, 3) the frequency with which the phenomenon under analysis takes place, and 4) the relationship between several factors. In fact, there are two objectives for research – how the information is got and how the researcher comes up with the data.
Objectives for the Research Definition
Objectives for research definition are directed to give a pithy answer to the research question. The major purpose is to prove the hypothesis presented before conducting the research. The paper defines an object systematically and according to all required instructions. It is necessary to apply planning and reading literature reviews that match the topic of the research to define the paper properly.
Objectives for the Qualitative Research
Objectives for qualitative research are to get to know about people’s attitudes and value systems concerning the problem under analysis. The purpose of qualitative research is to answer “how” and “why” questions. Such things as emails, interviews and notes are taken into consideration here. Qualitative research is quite important because it has several advantages: high sensitivity to contextual factors, ability to learn more about social meaning, flexibility to follow unpredictable situations and ideas.
Objectives for the Research Proposal
Objectives for research proposal include several items that are necessary for writing a strong proposal. For instance, it is important to write it by means of simple language for everyone to understand it. There should be no references, difficult terms or jargon. The question for research must be simple. Moreover, any research proposal consists of several essential parts: 1) title, 2) abstract, 3) objective, 4) technical approach, and bibliography.
Research methodology is no doubt very important in research paper writing because without it claims will not be confirmed. It is an essential part of any research; as it helps students to make a good research presentation.
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