Problem Solving Essays – How to Choose Impressive Topics
Custom Written Problem Solving Essays
In our day to day life every individual comes across various problems. There are more social problems one faces in their daily routine and how nice it would be if there are solutions for all. This article is about Problem Solving essays which not only are considered for the way they are written but also for their practical purposes. These essays are often considered as Description essays as they describe about the problem and its possible solutions.
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Problem solving essays can be written by anyone like a normal person. They just talk about our daily problems and their solutions. Since it is an essay it is not true that only experts are capable to write such essays.
There are various research paper topics if one is interested in writing such essays. They can be categorized depending on the writer of the essay. I will demonstrate them here.
If a problem solving essay is written by a student as a part of his High school essays he could choose any of the below topics.
a. There could be several problems within your college or hostel. Try to list of such problems.
b. Seniors ragging the juniors in the college campus and in hostels. This is a serious problem to some extent. Provide possible solutions like forming a anti raging squad, implementing strict rules about the ragging etc.
c. Library facilities in the campus. If there are no adequate library facilities in your campus figure out the best possible solutions like using internet or exchanging good books among students or collecting funds to accumulate money in developing a library etc.
d. Boys teasing girls.
If a normal person intends to talk about a problem he faces daily and wants to explain the possible solutions for the problem he must possibly be talking about one among the below. These are also considered as Reflective essays as they are seen in the authors perspective.
a. Traffic problems. Provide solutions by explaining the problem. The solutions could be like putting fines on those who violate the rules, immediate suspension of the license, necessary steps the concerned department has to take etc.
b. Constant problems like street lights, reconstruction of the local streets, support from the local administrative departments etc.
c. Problems related to bribery.
d. Eve teasing.
If an experienced writer who is an expert in presenting his views and thoughts in an impressive way that is who is an expert in writing English essays in any of the essay topics and is capable to gather relevant information from external sources here are the topics for him.
a. Well defined problem like Environmental issues, Global warming
b. Current Financial crisis
c. Developing Nuclear explosives by the countries independently
These are just basic examples to consider. Feel free to contact ProfEssays – most trustful custom essay writing company. We ensure the customer satisfaction. There is a customer support team available always.