AIDS Essay: Definition, Background, Tips, Writing and Outlines
Professional Help with Writing AIDS Essays
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (aids) is a human disease that attacks the immune system thus making it pliant and easy access to other diseases, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is the causative virus that does all the harm while AIDS is the name given to the scourge, since its discovery millions of deaths have been attributed to it. Students are required to write aids essay in schools to test and increase their awareness of the disease, companies, individuals, professionals, literate and non-literates are moved to obey the clarion call against the scourge call aids.
Brief background
The origin of the disease is not known the reported cases are mere controversial one of such is the report filed by the genetic research that AIDS originated from west central Africa specifically Belgian Congo in the late 1950 it was tagged controversial due to lack of evidence, recent study traced its source from Africa to Haiti crossed the threshold into US in 1968, however the turning point began when it was introduced as AIDS in July 1982, later that same year in September appropriately recognized and defined as AIDS by CDC (Center of disease control)
The word Pandemic was ascribe to AIDS due to its ferocity and high mortality records an estimated 33.2 million people in the world (2007) are infected and living with the scourge, 68% of the record in sub-Saharan Africa with mortality rate of 76%, South Africa has the highest number of AIDS victims, followed by Nigeria, then India.
AIDS essay, apart from the academic purpose also serves to create awareness; due to its relevance in the lives of students ProfEssays.com a writing company is available to offer custom essay services at a very reasonable price for people especially students who are unskilled writers, lacks time to write, or too busy, their prevailing arrangement of connecting clients directly to buyer in the duration of the write up still help to maintain the initial advantage derived from writing AIDS essay. They hire best writers who follow the laid down academic authority rules (APA format essay and MLA format essay), absolutely no plagiarized work, and 100% client privacy is assured.
How to write an AIDS essay
First major thing to do is understand the research paper topic given, next is to gather information like; definitions, origin, history, impact and effect in the economy, argue on the controversies of question of its origin, give suggestion about how best to curb it, issues of stigmatization, or generally offer useful information about AIDS etc essay topics about HIV/ AIDS is diverse if prompted or required to get essay topic the process of acquiring the knowledge will help to generate topic idea.
After obtaining relevant information plan and structure essay, followed by using authorized and required format essay outlines to prepare the write up. While writing use references, quotations, and examples when necessary you also have options to buy essays from ProfEssays.com.
AIDS essay is no doubt an important one to write in the process students get educated and informed about the evil of AIDS unconsciously the urge and instinct of fighting AIDS is developed, I think that making AIDS a mandatory subject in school of all levels will greatly help to put AIDS at bay especially among the youths and teens.