Writing Essay in Chicago Style Essay Format
Professional Help with Writing Chicago Style Format Essays
Chicago style essay format is the most common and easy style of writing an essay, but still it is considered as the most effective and simple form of formatting any writing. To present your essay or writing in the very simple, decent but impressive way, then Chicago style essay format is the best option. It presents the essay in the most simpler and interesting style, with proper expression of the important words by the use of bold and caps words. ProfEssays.com provides the customers with good quality and well satisfactory custom essays.
• Abbreviations are the shortened form of the words or phrases. Usually it is made by using some letters or group of letters from the word.
• Acronyms are the abbreviations formed by using the initial letters of the words.
• Capitalization of the words is also one of the attractions in the Chicago style essay format.
• Full capitalization of every character of every word of the essay.
• Heading should also in caps with bold letters and bigger font size than the other text of the essay.
• Every letter of the next line or new paragraph should be in caps in order to show the new beginning of the paragraph or new sentence.
• Where ever key phrases or title or important terms are used italics font should be used there.
• Marking quotes to the common words in or marking of nicknames and quoting the phrases to the important terms are also the part of Chicago style essay format.
• Block quotations, notes, reference, captions and long headings should be single spaced with a blank space between items, so that they could be easily noticed.
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Font size in Chicago style format should always be 12 points of Times Roman, with footnotes and comments in the text. Where emphasis is needed to be give there, Italics font should be used. Footnotes should start on the page where they are referred to the text, separated to the text with a short rule. Each footnote must begin with a new line, showcasing single space so that it can easily be differentiated form the main content.
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