Animal Testing Essay – Writing Help
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Experiments and analysis carried out on animals to test cosmetics, drugs, behavior and for biomedical research is known as animal testing or in vivo testing.
An animal testing essay is a paper that deals with the issues and concerns of the usage for animals in experimentation, the organizations established for protecting animal rights, and the institutions supporting animal testing.
Animal testing is a controversial issue and has been debated in many instances; in these types of essays it is extremely essential for writers to exercise their opinion and make their stand clear on the issue.
This is a type of an argumentative essay which requires students to study and examine all matters pertaining to the topic and provide a complete analysis to the readers.
The prestigious panel of custom essay writers have tabled below certain points to aid students in writing these types of essays and assignments, these include:
• The history and inception of the concept of animal testing
The history of animal testing dates back to the 2nd and 4th centuries. Students need to give an account of the history that pertains to this concept and the first experiments that were conducted by physicians like Galen and Avenzoar. writers feel that it is essential to provide the reader base with the chronological background of the issue so as to help them understand the matters pertaining to the same better.
• Laws supporting animal testing
There have been certain laws passed in the past which support animal testing and give pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies the right to test their products on animals before bringing them out in the market. Students should bring out the causes behind the same and illustrate certain incidents like the the Elixir Sulfanilamide disaster of 1937 in the United States. Students should research and bring out facts to make the animal testing essay interesting and informative.
• The groups in favour of animal testing
There are various groups of scientists and individuals who believe that animal testing is essential for technological and medical advancements and breakthroughs, therefore in these types of essays it is vital that the writer bring out the opinion, ideology and reasoning behind these groups. One could also look at illustrating the opinions of scientists like Claude Bernard and Walter B. Cannon in the essay.
• Argument against animal testing
There are numerous arguments against animal testing, where this practice has been termed as unethical and cruelty to animals. This is an important segment of the paper and writers should convey to the reads the opinions of the anti animal testing groups and explain their stand on the subject. One could bring out the views of prominent personalities like Charles Darwin and Henry Bergh. To make the animal testing essay more intriguing, students could give an account of the brown dog affair of the 90’s
• Laws passed against animal testing
Numerous laws have been passed for animal protection and a lot many committees and societies also have been formed for animal welfare. The writers of suggest that it is vital for students to research and explain the formation and passing of the same, this also portrays the effort put in by a student to delve into the topic.
Some laws and acts which have been passed to protect animals, some of which comprise of:
► The animal protection law of 1822
► Cruelty to Animals Act 1876
► American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
► the Laboratory Animal Welfare Act, of 1966
► Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
• Animal cloning
The most controversial yet remarkable breakthrough in animal testing has been the birth of Dolly the sheep in 1997, which was a result of cloning. Writers attempting to write an animal testing essay should analyze such scientific breakthroughs and proffer their personal opinions on the matter and as well as the views of contradicting schools of thought.
• Alternatives to animal testing
Students should be innovative and utilize their skill and capability to come up with practical alternative solutions to animal testing. This is a way of displaying ones skill and proficiency in the subject.
• Opinion and argument of the writer
This is a sort of an argumentative essay with groups pro and against the concept of animal testing; hence, the writers should also make their stand on the topic clear and support the same with relevant facts.
Animal testing essay and research papers scripted at encompass all the above mentioned attributes and are contained with relevant research facts.
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