AIDS Term Paper – Dealing With The Unknown
As AIDS is a global problem nowadays (more than forty million people all over the world are affected by it), students of various departments and specializations may be asked to prepare a term paper on AIDS and HIV. It’s not a problem to find information on AIDS nowadays. There are interdisciplinary studies, sites of NGO’s that deal with HIV-infected people, articles in press. But which of them will you need while writing an AIDS term paper? And how do you need to structure your findings? We’ll try to help you answer these questions on our page.
First of all, you need to know that AIDS Term papers are mostly written in APA or Harvard reference style, with the exception of culture-related topics like “The impact of AIDS on American popular culture”, “Attitude towards HIV-infected people in society”. Term papers on these topics will be done in MLA or Chicago/Turabian format.
As none of the breakthrough in medical science has disclosed the mysteries behind the disease and the treatment to cure it is still not discovered, AIDS remains to be one of the most interesting and challenging topic to do a term paper on. But remember, that you are not asked to make a discovery in your AIDS term paper. Term papers aim at developing analytical skills first of all. Therefore, your AIDS term paper will be successful if it provides an unusual perspective on the research subject. Thus, you need to choose a topic carefully. The further advice on what you need to focus on in AIDS term paper will depend on your research area.
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- AIDS Term Paper Example
- AIDS paper topics
- How Can We Help
- Paper on AIDS awareness
- AIDS paper conclusion
- HIV term paper
Download AIDS Term Paper Example
AIDS paper topics
When choosing a topic for an AIDS term paper, the students can make up a research in any of the following research areas.
- The history of AIDS. If your focus is to analyze the history of the disease, you should elaborate on the facts – that the disease was first diagnosed in 1981 in Africa and Monkey is believed to have transmitted the virus to human being. You may also give a detail on how it eventually spread all around, or focus on the spread of AIDS in particular region.
- The treatment of AIDS. This topic can be little tricky as the treatments for AIDS are able to only strengthen the immunity of the patient for certain periods of time, but not cure him. However scientists were trying to find the cure for several decades already, and you may devote your term paper to their research, or focus just on several scientists.
- The cause of disease. You can focus on the cause of the disease for the study, as there are several ways one can become infected with AIDS. AIDS is a STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease), which means it transfers through sexual activity or direct exposure to the blood of HIV infected person like through the use of same syringe. The most usual way is direct contact of physical fluids that are radiated from a male or a female. It does not matter what sex the person has, both may be infected. This contact transmits blood that was previously vigorous. The contamination of the blood may happen through being drug abused. The writer of the AIDS term paper can write about the other most general method of transmitting aids is by mother to child transfusion. The virus can be transmitted through birth or breast-feeding. But this illness cannot be contracted through tears and dribble, even though some people think it can do it.
- Prevention of AIDS. Another area of study could be the preventive measures. The prevention method includes having safe sex, using sterile injecting equipment. In addition, dissemination of sex and STD education to adolescents and adults can help prevent the disease.
- The social stigma and prejudices. Another area of study would be focusing on the prejudices against the patients in the society and the stigma associated with the disease. This research area will be especially interesting for students with major in Sociology, Social Work, Human Rights, and Psychology. In this case your AIDS term paper can be backed with the interview with patients, their family members, relatives and friends.
- Social services. An interesting and practical topic for an AIDS term paper may be various social services provided by private and governmental organizations to deal with the disease. It’s not a common knowledge which organizations that deal with AIDS offer grants to research institutions, which offer medical care for HIV-infected people, which help them to communicate the society, and which aim at AIDS prevention primary. Therefore, the question is worth studying.
How Can We Help
Thus, you see, the facets of the disease are many; choose the one that interests you the most. And we can help you with each part of it! From the outline for the term paper, to the custom term paper which will follow the outline of your own. The writers at ProfEssays.com are professional and experienced writers, who can deal with the complexities of AIDS term paper. They are also well versed with reference formats, in which the AIDS term papers are mostly written. Moreover, the writers at ProfEssays.com will give total originality to your papers that need to pass through a deep plagiarism test. With the help of ProfEssays.com services, you are sure to have a unique work with 100% original content! The writers come to grips with writing the works on every subject, making all the necessary investigations.
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Paper on AIDS awareness
If you are asked to prepare a term paper on AIDS awareness, there are several topics you might choose. Today, approximately forty million people are living with the virus of HIV/AIDS. Even 3 decades after it was diagnosed, AIDS remains one of the deadliest diseases in human history. The disease can victimize anybody disregard to age, sex, religion or nationality. With an astonishing amount of cases being reported every year, something must be done to educate the youth about the potential dangers of this pandemic.Papers on AIDS awareness may focus on discussing people ignorance and silence regarding HIV/AIDS in some parts of the word, the statistical data on the infected people per year, preventive measures carried by social organizations and government.
AIDS paper conclusion
AIDS paper conclusion should be written in a proper way. It will be the most challenging part of your paper, where you’ll need to summarize your main points and discussions. It’s especially problematic as you both need to perform the distance with the subject matter as required in academic circles and at the same time you are expected to show the personal involvement with the subject matter.
HIV term paper
HIV is a virus that gradually damages the cells of immune system. The spread of HIV in a person’s body leaves the body open to an attack by a great number of other diverse infections, named “opportunistic diseases.” It is at the point of very progressive HIV infection that a human is said to have AIDS. It can take many years before HIV damages the immune system enough for AIDS to progress. “Opportunistic diseases” are the major causes of death of people having AIDS. As there is not yet a medicine for AIDS, once the disease attacks the body there is no way to get rid of the virus, unfortunately. This is a very sad statistics, but it is proved by the numerous investigations and researches. HIV term paper may focus on HIV virus and its development and measures of maintaining organism in a proper condition to prevent AIDS development. The only way to be prevented and safe from AIDS is to know as much information about HIV and its transmission as possible.