Proofreading and Copyediting Class
Proofreading and copyediting are two vital skills in today’s world of media and written communication—in this class, you’ll be able to master the science of these two skills through short but informative lessons that have everything you need to know! Are you looking for a way to streamline your communications materials? Maybe you’re looking to sharpen your editing skills in preparation for trying out for the school paper? Whatever it is you’re looking for, you’ll be sure to find it here. This class covers all bases: from a grammar review which walks you through the basics like verbs, nouns and adjectives to a more in-depth look at proofreading and copy editing—including how to evaluate and improve your own written work. Whether you’re involved in the creative field of writing or you’re interested in joining this class to further your business writing endeavors, you’ll be sure to learn a wide variety of useful skills that will help lift up your professional and personal credentials! Join this class now and sharpen your skills!
[KGVID width=”640″ height=”360″]http://www.professays.com/wp-content/uploads/Proofreading-and-Copyediting-Track.mp4[/KGVID]
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Lesson 1: Why Learn To Improve Your Writing?
In this world that hinges heavily on communication—especially written, online communication—learning to proofread and copyedit can make the difference between becoming successful and failing to achieve your dreams. If you have a goal at work or a professional objective, learning how to be detail-oriented when it comes to reading work could be your stepping stone toward your success.
Lesson 2: Proofreader’s Marks
Proofreading is the process of reading, evaluating and marking a paper for technical errors—these include grammar, punctuation, sentence construction and paragraph organization. In this lesson we’ll be looking at the different marks which proofreaders use as a standard. Writing these marks down on paper can help both yourself as the proofreader and the writer of the paper you’re correcting: this helps you both save time and make quicker corrections to the paper than if you were using long sentences to convey your point. Below, we’ll be discussing each of the marks, their purposes and how they’re used.
Lesson 3: A Proofreader’s Job
In our last lesson, we were able to identify the different tools that we use throughout the process of proofreading to make the process quick, effective and efficient. In this lesson we’re going to be looking at the different responsibilities of a proofreader—this will help set your expectations. It will also aid you in recognizing the different roles that you’ll need to fulfill to be able to become the best proofreader you can be. These different points are outlined below:
Lesson 4: A Copyeditor’s Job
Whereas both are modes of quality content, their scope differs slightly. Proofreaders are, as we established previously, mainly concerned with content. On the other hand, copyeditors are concerned with the overall quality of the product. Professionally (especially in the publishing industry), the proofreaders are often headed by a copyeditor. Among other differences, copyeditors are allowed to make direct changes to the final output and also lend a hand in the lay outing of the written output (as with books, magazines, newspapers and websites).
Lesson 5: How to Proofread
In this lesson, we’ll be tackling different techniques that you can employ to make proofreading easier and more effective. To help you achieve your proofreading goals more easily we’ll be enumerating concrete methods that you can put into action immediately, whatever the project you’re dealing with.
Lesson 6: How to Copyedit
In this lesson, we’ll be discussing different techniques to help you become a great copyeditor. And just like proofreading, we’re going to be taking an in-depth look into these tips and tricks and showing you exactly how you can employ these different techniques in your copyediting endeavors. These are outlined below:
Lesson 7: How to Proofread Your Own Work
While proofreading is a challenge in general, it is often more difficult to proofread your own work than the work of others. This is because you are more attached to certain concepts and ideas within the work—it can be more difficult to keep an editorial frame of mind when you know the intent behind the writing.
Lesson 8: How to Copyedit Your Own Work
Perhaps the one thing even more challenging than proofreading your own work is copyediting your own work. Whereas the former deals with the technicalities of the work, here you’ll be made to shave down the work where it really hurts—the arrangement of ideas, the feasibility of the format. While it’s challenging, this is definitely not impossible. Outlined below are different techniques that can help you effectively and efficiently copyedit your work for the best outcome:
Lesson 9: Proofreading & Copyediting Professionally
In this penultimate lesson, we’ll be looking at proofreading and copyediting professionally. In this lesson, we’ll be discussing certain expectations that your employers will have as well as the different advantages and disadvantages of working as a professional proofreader and copyeditor. This knowledge will help you make various choices with regard to how to use your proofreading and copyediting skills as well as which career paths to pursue.
Lesson 10: Conclusion
In this brief but information-filled class, we were able to touch upon all the vital points of copyediting and proofreading—and then some. Along with our discussions on the basics of proofreading like the marks used and the various definitions, we were also able to tackle most of the techniques needed to be able to efficiently and effectively evaluate and correct written work. We were able to point out the different factors that go into determining what makes an excellent proofreader and an excellent copyeditor: this was done by clarifying and fleshing out the job descriptions for each of these posts.