Article Critique
An article critique is more than just a summary of an article, a book or a literature. It should contain comments and evaluations on certain issues and concerns found on the paper. It is important to reiterate that the critique is not a compact version of the text but an interpretation and analysis of the literature.
A good critique contains your impressions of the article and then supporting it with substantial evidences. The main goal for you is to recognize the strengths and at the same time the weaknesses of the work; hence a thorough and intensive understanding of the piece is necessary. An outstanding article critique can set you apart from your peers, just contact us and we’ll make the best critique made just for your writing needs.
How Can We Help
We have been making thousands of article critiques for thousands of students worldwide and now we’re here to help you. That’s why our customer support is open 24/7 to answer any questions you might have all throughout the writing process. Our writers came from different kinds of field of study so we can write almost about any topics you need to work on. Rest assured the work we do is 100% plagiarism-free and guaranteed quality work. We know time is a major factor in your paper that’s why we make sure your work is done even before by the set deadline. So order your paper now and we’ll deliver only excellent work crafted just for you.
APA Format
Writing an article in APA format must follow general structural guidelines most of which are listed below:
• The text are double-spaced while the margins are an inch an all sides. APA also suggests using Times New Roman in 12 point.
• The paper should contain the following parts: title page, abstract, the main body and references.
• The title page contains the name of the paper, your name and your school’s name.
• The abstract page contains the word “Abstract” at the top of the page. The abstract must be between 150 to 250 words.
• For in-text citations, use the author-date citation system.
• The references should only include the journal being critiqued. The order is as follows – with the author’s last name, first and middle initials, the publication date, the name of the article in a sentence, name of the journal in italics, volume number and lastly the page numbers.