Article Critique Format
The article critique needs to be written in a formal manner with a structured format. Most of the time, the format will be given by your instructor but all must have an introduction, a body and a conclusion.
- Introduction. It should be short and the length should not be more than 10% of the overall word count. The main argument or the purpose of the article must also be included. Setting of expectation on this part will also be beneficial on this point – this includes explaining the context in which the work was created.
- Body. Start the body with a very brief summary of the main points of the article, introduction of characters, styles or symbols used. Again, this should not be the focus of the article and must be shorter than the critical analysis of the work. The evaluation part should be systematic and at the same time deconstruct the work by identifying both its weakness and strengths.
- Conclusion. This is usually concise and includes the statement expressing the overall analysis of the work. In some scenarios, recommendations on the work’s improvement may be necessary.