Lesson 11: Conclusion
Throughout this class, our goal has been to improve our writing skills—by going through our set of lessons, we were able to discuss most of the points which contribute to one’s ability to write well. We began the class with a review of the basic structures of grammar. We were also able to look at the different types of paragraphs and how altering our work depending on what we aim to achieve can help us get our message across to our audience. From here, we proceeded to look at point of view and the different practical applications that writing from each kind of point of view had—we were also able to view examples which helped us understand how to best utilize these different perspectives in our writing.
After this, we moved onto more advanced techniques—more than just polishing the skills we already possess, we set out to acquire new abilities. We began with the concept of show, not tell. We were able to see how using anecdotes and examples along with describing situations help flesh out what we mean to say much better than simply using adjectives to get our point across.
Another important technique we were able to master was that of writing dialogue—how does one write about two people talking? Our lesson on this subject allowed us to clearly delineate what makes up cheesy, unbelievable dialogue and natural-sounding, engaging conversations. From here we went on to discuss monologues. In this lesson, we were able to make the distinction between monologues and soliloquy. We were also able to view different examples of critically acclaimed monologues which helped us better understand how monologues should be used in our writing.
Our second to the last lesson helped us further refine our writing skills. We took up the different things that we can do to be able to come across as knowledgeable and sophisticated when we write—here, we took up techniques that allowed us to put the finishing touches on writing. Last but not the least we took up how to proofread our work: we learned different ways in which we can make sure that our work is error-free before submitting it or putting it up for our audiences to view. Overall, this class allowed us to run through all the different aspects we need to consider before we can produce excellent written work—now we’re ready to go confidently charge through our writing challenges our new set of skills!