Doctoral Thesis – A Route To Be A Doctor
Being called ‘doctor’ must be a fancy of many university students, but as much is the hardship to get the tag of ‘doctor’. The biggest task that any doctorate student faces is writing the doctoral thesis. It is said that nobody is going to read your entire doctoral thesis! But still, to get that highest academic degree you need to make sure no stone is unturned while writing the thesis. And one of the ways for you to make sure that your thesis is of quality is to hand over the job of writing a custom essay, research paper or a thesis to ProfEssays.com.
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Doctoral Thesis Research Proposal
Writing a good doctoral thesis demands a lot of work from your side. As you are going to be a doctor, you are expected to be a master of the topic. And that in turns demands a lot of research and readings. You are expected to give some new outlook on the topic covered, which means you need to find something previously unexplored or not studied and even develop theories on the topic. The following outlines the main areas to be worked on to complete a good doctoral thesis:
- The title of the study: when you write the title, it should give a clear idea of what your entire thesis is, and in one line! Take your stand i.e., what you actually believe and consider the audience- what they know and how they may react to your topic or the issue.
- The abstract- A good research paper abstract should be able to tell the readers all that you have written in your thesis and in maximum of 300 words. This should induce the reader to go through the entire thesis. Though it should be succinct, it should also give the entirety of the thesis to the reader.
- The introduction- The introduction should give the background, concepts and the explanation of the topic backed by facts and data.
- Research design and methodology- it gives the idea to how the research paper has been worked on, sampling method if any, what tools are used for analysis- tables, graphs, diagrams or quantitative techniques applied.
- The main text- the main text or the analysis part should give the elaboration of the topic. This will be the main part of the entire thesis and should be substantial to make your thesis a success. It uses the methodology sated above as a ground to elaborate on the topic.
- The final parts- This comprises mainly- conclusion, findings, suggestions/recommendations, appendices and research paper bibliography.
So obviously, it is a painstaking task to write a quality doctoral thesis. The writers at ProfEssays.com are the expert in the field of writing thesis- college thesis, master thesis, graduate thesis or Doctoral thesis or even custom research paper and custom essays. They consider your thesis as their own and give it a total sincerity. The theses they write are free from plagiarism and with an assurance of total originality. To ensure the thesis comes out as you asked we give free revisions until you are satisfied.