Custom Research Proposal
Getting a Well Crafted Custom Research Proposal
Constructing research proposal is one of the most intimidating tasks a student ever does. Research proposal is like a selling proposition that will lead to the approval or rejection of the research project. A successful research proposal also means a respectable beginning for a good research. A proposal acts as a blueprint of the research and guides the researcher. It reveals the capacity of the student to be able to succeed in achieving the objectives of the research. As such, research proposals are given due attention by the review committee before approving the same. Since its inception in 2003, ProfEssays.com has been continuously assisting the students in completing successful custom research proposals.
ProfEssays.com is a team of certified academic writers. Only the master and the doctorate holders are assigned to your proposals. They are chosen from among the writers who are specialized in the field for which the proposal are to be framed. The experience and skills they have acquired over years will be put into your research proposals. Be assured, the research proposal they construct for you are bound to attract an approval. Additionally, we also offer custom essay and research paper writing services for college and university level, personal essay services for admission. We also assist the students in completing master thesis and doctoral thesis.
The following is the standard format for the custom research proposals, a little variations as per individual need can be allowed.
- A title that sells– the title should be insightful and should give an idea on the research. It should tell outright what will be your focus for the research. It is a way to create an interest in the reviewers.
- Statement of purpose– this part should answer clearly and concisely why you are doing the research. You should frame the questions that you are going to answer through the research. The questions are the basis for the project, as the research will be focused towards answering the questions posed.
- Introduction– here you give a background on the topic so that the readers will understand the topic. Here you are creating the context to carry out the research. It should also give the problem statement, i.e., the main issues that you are covering.
- Review of literature– the reviewers will appreciate to know that you understand and are knowledgeable about the researches already done in the area. It also implies that you do know what you are dealing with and how you are going to contribute to the knowledge in the field.
- Research methodology– here you tell how you are going to collect the data and analyze them. Are you going to rely on primary data only or secondary data too? How are you going to process the data? Are you going to experiment, observe or interview the people? You should also reveal the limitations of the methodology and how you are dealing with it.
- Problems– none of the research projects is free from problems. So disclose any problem that you may encounter. This also lets the reviewers know that you are well aware of any problems and your solutions to the same.
- Research paper bibliography– this tells the reviewers the sources of materials- the books, journals or otherwise as a reference and guide for your research.
Some qualities of a good custom research proposal are:
- Clear goal of the research that tells what you want to achieve. It also keeps you in track in case you divert.
- It gives the significance of the study, i.e. why and how the research is important.
- It is clear, concise, well structured, with least grammatical and language errors.
- It should prove that you have the knowledge, skills and resources (if not provided) to conduct the research.
- It assures the quality and validity of the outcome.
ProfEssays.com understands very well that custom research proposals are vital for your academia and for your career. Thus be warned, do not fall prey to the writing service providers that have many promises to make and low prices to offer but low quality proposals to deliver. We charge because the experienced writers need to be paid well, because good services demands expenditure.
But what is the assurance that ProfEssays.com indeed is dependable?
ProfEssays.com is a leader in among the writing service providers. Two third of our customers are return customers. We do not take such a strong loyalty as granted and so are striving to deliver quality and affordable services. All our papers are strictly checked for plagiarism issue before they are delivered to you. We meticulously follow the specification and needs of each of the customers, fully customizing the service. We deliver the paper in time to ensure that you meet the deadline. Any of issues or queries is promptly addressed by our customer support team, 24/7. All of your personal details are kept in full confidential.
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