All the Characteristics of a Good Research Paper
Writing a research paper means deciding on the topic, searching literature relevant to this topic, writing an outline, and the process of completing the paper. It is rather difficult to get through these tasks successfully. Moreover, there are several types of this writing. Firstly, it may be argumentative. It means that a writer presents all the arguments concerning the point under analysis. Secondly, a paper may deal only with one point and one argument. Thirdly, a research paper may be written in the form of report. It should be noted that those, who write research papers receive an opportunity to learn how to pay attention to details and meet deadlines. There must be clear headings for each section and it is obligatory to include a contents page into the paper.
Quick Navigation through the Research Paper Characteristics Page
- Good Research Paper Tips
- How Can We Help
- Good Research Paper Outline Writing
- A Funny Research Paper
- A Research Paper on Food
- Research Paper Rubrics
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Good Research Paper Tips
In order to write a research paper you have to be exact and specific. It is necessary to avoid abstract topics and those, which are too broad. It is a good idea to frame the research question so that it will reflect the “who”, “what”, and “how” of the issue under analysis. Our experts recommend following these steps in order to write an excellent research paper:
- Choose an interesting research paper topic. It is advisable to use a controversial research paper topic.
- Learn how to cite. This will help to avoid plagiarism. You may use research paper foot notes or endnotes.
- Present your research paper ideas in a logical and comprehensive manner.
- Follow a valid and chronological research paper format.
- The introduction of your research paper must catch your reader’s attention.
- Use a good research paper outline.
Your research paper should have an outline similar to this:
1. Introductory part
• Statement of the issue under consideration
• Thesis
2. Body
• Paragraphs 1-2 (history of the problem)
• Paragraphs 3-4 (detailed information about the problem)
• Paragraphs 5-6 (repercussions of the issue under analysis)
• Paragraphs 7-8 (suggested solutions to the problem)
3. Conclusion (summary of the findings).
It is very important to choose an interesting problem for writing. For instance, you may write about the effects of smoking, obesity in America, health-care industry, etc.
How Can We Help?
If you still find yourself at a loss because of your writing assignment contact ProfEssays.com immediately. We will identify easily the basic points of your research paper. ProfEssays.com is a company that specializes in professional writing. With our wide range of products and skilled writers, our expertise in the field of custom research papers is among the best you can find out there.
Knowing the characteristics of a bad research paper could help you to avoid pitfalls. The writing is considered bad if it has no logical structure and contains a plenty of grammatical mistakes. If a writer does not stick to a required format and number of pages, the paper will be of a very low quality. In case a research paper does not coincide with the instructor’s recommendations, it will be considered as a bad writing. No arguments and improper citations are also the characteristics of a paper of low quality.
Good Research Paper Outline Writing
One of the major characteristics of a nice research paper is a proper outline. It is impossible to complete a perfect research paper without a proper outline. Everything is important while writing it. Even your environment contributes to the quality of your paper’s logical structure. That is why it is a good idea to start writing at a clear desk. Do not forget to consult your instructor before getting down to work. Every student should know or find out what is required of him/her. So, it is necessary to read your assignment several times to understand the points that are the most essential for the paper.
A Funny Research Paper
The characteristic of a funny research paper is that it should be based on your imagination. You are required to choose some funny topic and discuss it in the writing. For instance, you may write about the things men do not like in women. The most important thing in this paper is not to confuse offensive remarks with just funny statements. Your ideas should be presented with sparkles of irony and humor.
A Research Paper on Food
Sometimes students are to prepare a food research paper. Characteristics of a food research paper are a good and pithy abstract, the information about background research, the data about the current trends in the field, discussion section, conclusion, and references. Each part of your writing is very important that is why pay attention and do not compromise with the quality of your research paper. Do not forget to follow your instructor’s recommendations.
Research Paper Rubrics
It is difficult to get a good research paper. It should include good topics. They must be discussed and developed in a scholastic way. Aside from this, there are several important factors that must be considered to write an excellent paper. Unlike examinations, this type of academic requirement does not have right or wrong answers. Since it is a subjective type of paper, many teachers often provide research paper rubrics for their students. This is one of the best ways to distinguish the characteristics of a good research paper because it addresses the requirements for this writing.
ProfEssays.com can provide you with the writing that will include all the characteristics of a good research paper. We employ only the best writers. They are experts in their field and highly capable of producing professional papers that meet all of the academic requirements. Moreover, the papers we deliver are 100% original because we use the software, that identifies all types of plagiarism. Our customers may ask for revision as many times as it is necessary until they are completely satisfied with the paper. There is no extra fee for this service. Our rates are quite reasonable that is why ProfEssays.com is the best choice for those who are looking for assistance with their assignments.