Exercise for Lesson 5: How to Proofread
Instructions: In this lesson, we focused on how to proofread. Here, we’re going to practicing our proofreading skills by practicing on a couple of informative paragraphs with errors inserted to them. The exercise below is designed to help you work on both your technical and analytical skills. Correct the paragraphs below to the best of your abilities! This will help train your eye for errors as well as help you practice consulting different references for information.
1. Blue whales are a kind of baleen whale. They swim in alm ost all of the oceansin the world. Howeverthey, nearly faced endangered stateus in the 1990s due to the rampancy of harpooning in the 20th century. This was put to a stop in 1996 by the international community. These days’ numbers of blue whales are looking up despite the plateau in their populaiont which was reached two decades ago. Since then, the international community has been adamant about protecting this precious marine mamal.
2. The North Atlantic whale is one of tree right whale species that belong under the genus Eubalaena. Their main characteristsics are a dark gray body, a rotund midsection, a v-shaped blowhole and an arching rostrum. They swim in the North Atlantic ocean and grow up until 59 ft long. They are a migratory specie and travel aduring different times of the year—to mate, to give birth and to feed.
3. The Humpback whale is one of the oddest kinds of baleen whales (if not whales in general) They have elongated fins, a humped back and a knobbly head. They are also one of the types of whale that are best known for breaching or moving over the surface of the ocean, to slam their bodies down over the top. This has made the Humpback whale very popular with the wale watchers of Australia and New Zealand. They grow to be 52 ft long.
4. Bryde’s whale is a whale that resides in warm, tropical waters. It is long and wide, with a very narrow body. It is characterized by three gray lines that run rostrally along its body. It is gray ontop and usually white on the ventral (belly) side. These whales are also baleen whales and belong to the same family as the humpback whales and grow to be 49 ft long.
5. Fin whales are the second largest animal on earth, next to the Blue whale. They grow up until 88 feet long and can weigh up until 80 tons. They are the only asymmerically colored mammal, with the right side of teir lower jaw colored white and the left side of their lower jaw colored black. There are around 120,000 recorded Fin w hales in existence today. They are usually born at a wait of 4, 000pounds.