Million Mom March Essay Writing Help
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Million Mom March is a social movement by the mothers who are actively against the lax gun laws of the United States. Donna Dees Thomases was the founder of the march that took place first on the mother’s day of 2000. There are many facets of the march that you can consider for Million Mom March essay. The facets are not easy to deal with when you do not have appropriate details to approach the essay. Also you need to have a holistic approach to deal with the kind of movement, the reason, the influence, your stand on the issues, etc. Thus, it is good to get professional help for the essay to ensure that right attention is given to the aspects of the march. ProfEssays.com can give you such help to deal with the Million Mom March essay.
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Donna Dees Thomases was concerned by the fact that many violent activities involved children and the teenagers. She strongly believed that the main culprit to the same was the state laws that were very easy about the possession of guns. Over 800 million people possessed guns in U.S.A by 2000 and hence the children were at high risk of getting exposed to the guns and violence. Thus, with a motive to change the scenario, the Million Mom March took place. Still now it is a highly talked about movement when it comes to the issue of children, guns and violence.
Million March essay can be targeted to answering the following questions:
- What is it- give a detail about what is the million mom march. The million mom march is a social movement by the mothers all over the U.S.A to make the gun laws more sensible. It happened in 2000 across 60 cities in the U.S, the main
- Why- what is the main reason behind the march? What events or limitation in the law encouraged a million moms to march? Well, the main theme of the march was- “sensible gun laws, safe kids.” The mothers were very much affected by the use of guns by kids. There had been many violent events of young children and adults using guns as a means of violence.
- The influence- almost a million of the mothers taking part in the march across the nation was not a small joke. The other organizations also lend huge support to the march including the media. Suddenly there was high awareness of the homicide, juvenile delinquency, etc. that could spoil the society.
- What is your take on it- do you think such march have right effect? Is it enough to pressurize the government about the gun laws? Or do you think it is the parental and societal responsibility to make certain the kids do not get hold of the guns. Do you think one day march is enough or there should be awareness the same over long period of time.
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