How to Write The Body of An Essay
Quick Navigation through the Body of An Essay:
- Writing The Body of An Essay: It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult
- Writing the Body of An Essay: It’s Easy to Sound Credible
- How to Organize the Body of an Essay
- How to Incorporate Transition Sentences
- Reach Out
I. Writing The Body of An Essay: It Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult
The body of an essay is like the meat on a steak: it’s the part that everyone anticipates. It should be done just right and should be easy to digest. What, exactly does one put in the body of an essay? To help you out, we’ve taken the liberty of outlining the different ways in which writing the body of an essay can be made easy.
Because this portion contains most of the content of your essay, you should feel free to express yourself and explain the details that you need to elaborate on. However, one of the most common mistakes that people make when writing the body of an essay is that they give in to the pressure to write something long—explain if you need to, but unless more statements are needed, limit every paragraph to 5-7 sentences.
Another big mistake that most essay-writers make is that they completely abandon the structure of their essays. Remember that one thought or detail should be explained per paragraph. If there are too many points per paragraph, you run the risk of losing your reader. This also looks very amateur—like you’re guessing both at your topic and at how to write the body of an essay. Properly organize your paragraphs beforehand. It’s important to for your essay to sound believable. Keep reading for more tips on how to improve the contents of your essay.
II. Writing the Body of An Essay: It’s Easy to Sound Credible
Language is everything when it comes to essays. What makes the difference between writing something that will get a barely passing score and one that will push your CGPA over the top? The words you use when writing the body of your essay.
There are certain words which should be used and certain words that should be avoided when writing your academic paper. If you’re having trouble with the word choice of the body of your essay, don’t fret! To help you out, we’ve listed some of these words and statements below.
I. It seems simple enough, but the more you say “I” in the body of an essay, the less credible you sound—it makes it seem as though you’re writing purely from opinion. In tandem with I, also avoid words like think, feel and guess: these words are very abstract and may take away from the tone of authoritativeness you want to achieve when writing the body of your essay.
In my opinion. Essays are usually filled with facts. When writing the body of your essay, you should sound objective.
Prove. The word proof shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially when writing essays. Proof suggests not only scientific scrutiny, but also logical truth (i.e. geometry). Instead, say results suggest or it would seem that. It’s also good the incorporate the phrase based on when writing the body of your essay; this ensures the reader that your paper is well-researched
III. How to Organize the Body of an Essay
When figuring out how to organize the body of an essay, it’s best to make use of tables. You can divide your table in three sections: topic sentences, keywords and points of discussion. Once you’ve filled up these columns, you can begin to see which way you can arrange the order of your paragraphs. This also makes the task of writing your essay easier because you can work on the paper paragraph by paragraph (as opposed to guessing at an order and coming up with a paper that is a hodgepodge of ideas). It’s crucial when thinking about how to organize the body of an essay that you are able to provide a good structure and flow for the points you’ll be making. Otherwise, you might risk the reader misunderstanding what you have to say. The order and organization of points in the body of your paper also puts your points in context—it shows the reader how they should view a certain statement. For example, if a statement following the dangers of cigarette smoking is about how lung cancer is rampant in smokers, then it tells us that the essay is to be seen from a healthcare point of view. Whereas if the statement were followed by a paragraph explaining that smoking can be a means of releasing stress and actually helps prevent certain types of stress-induced illnesses, we know to look at the article from a more lifestyle-based viewpoint.
IV. How to Incorporate Transition Sentences
Even if your essay is well-organized, if you don’t learn how to incorporate transition sentences, the body of your essay will still seem like it doesn’t make sense. You need to provide transition sentences which link the previous paragraph to the next one. A great technique when learning how to incorporate transition sentences into your work is to come up with a statement that ties the two paragraphs together. Ask yourself: why did you put these two statements after one another? What was the logic behind your decisions to include these in your paper?
Once you learn to do this, you will be one step closer to mastering how to write the body of your essay. Read on to find out how you can get this done.
V. Reach Out
When worrying about how to write the body of an essay, don’t hesitate to seek out the help of others. There are always people who are willing to give you the help that you need. Don’t be afraid to list down the issues which you need tackled. We’re always here to lend a helping hand—we always deliver your customized essays on time and they’re always up to par with the quality you need. Order now and you’ll take the leap into academic excellence!