Essay Paper on Drug Prevention Program
Through usе of еfficiеnt prеvеntion programs, Amеrica can propеrly еducatе its youth rеgarding thе еvils of drugs. Nullifying narcotic’s supply and dеmand via law еnforcеmеnt and social norms stand to aid young adults in making wisе dеcisions concеrning drugs, also. Prеsеnt drug tеsting of public school athlеtеs is lеgally justifiablе but not satisfactory in hampеring tееn drug usе. Dеtеrmining young usеrs now and dirеcting thеm from addiction is a concеrn of sociеty; thus, to thoroughly halt usagе, propеr prеvеntion programs, not urinalysis machinеs, must bе placеd in schools. Drug tеsting is mеrеly a misguidеd stеp in a stairwеll of dеtеrrеncе.
Currently, numerous school districts throughout the United States test their athletes for drugs. Thirty minutes outside of Oklahoma City, Lincoln High School has required all students grade seven through twelve involved in extracurricular activities to undergo a urine test. Failure to take the test results in ineligibility; failure to pass the test results in enrollment in a thirty-day treatment program, then re-testing after such time has expired. If the student tests positive again, extracurricular ineligibility is immediately enacted.
Conversely, student athlete drug use is lower than among nonparticipating students. Teens removed from their athletic teams tend to return to the drug usage of their peers; thus, marginally motivated athletes quitting their teams in avoidance of drug testing will likely have an increase in use. Attempting to frighten youths with threats of athletic expulsion is futile.
Effective prevention addresses factors that make drugs attractive including thwarting supply and demand. Curtailing inventory is an obvious way of reducing use because widespread availability and quantity aids teens in the obtainment and utilization of drugs. This debacle reinforces the concept of drug use as a norm in society. To counter this problem, enforcement against the manufacture, sale, and possession of drugs must be continued and strengthened such as The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Forfeiture, seizing of all monies… or others things of value… intended to be furnished… for a controlled substance, and interdiction, interception of drug traffic at the nation’s borders, have recently emerged as techniques to quell the influx of drugs into the United States.
Additionally, drug-producing countries must be averted from acquiring American foreign aid. Maintaining precious bureaucratic connections need not be an essential factor in political policy when it destroys adolescent lives. Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia coordinate control efforts with the United States, increasing attempts to destroy drug crops and prosecute dealers. However, translating words into deeds is a toilsome task as drug lords are willing and able to fight back through intimidation, violence, and corruption…
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