Lesson 14: English Composition Conclusion
This final lesson concludes our class on English composition. In this class, we were able to look at the different steps which we need to take to be able to master the art of English composition—we were able to go through the different phases of writing essays: we began with the planning stage, went on with the execution phase and went on to proceed to proofreading and editing.
In addition to this, we were also able to talk about the different formats: we were able to look at how they were different, what they’re used for and why it’s important to always follow instructions when it comes to writing essays. Furthermore, we were also able to look at examples of these formats; this will help us as we go through our writing endeavors because we’ll be able to identify which academic style to use for each kind of paper.
We were also able to tackle different tricks of the trade like what it takes to research well and how to proofread effectively. We were also able to break the organizational phase of writing down by identifying different steps that we can take when we come up with our outlines or when we begin our research plan. Likewise, we were able to learn about the execution part of English composition as well: we were able to identify how to write a good introduction and what we should and shouldn’t include when we write essays (especially if they’re for something officially like school or work).
All of these steps tied into the conclusion that English composition can be easy if we know what we need to look for and if we’re able to make time for our essays and papers.
Lastly, we were able to discuss the brief but nonetheless important method of knowing when we’ve arrived at our final draft. This allows us to recognize when we should turn our papers in and when they still need work. Like everything we discussed in this class, this helps us make better decisions about English composition, writing and ultimately, our everyday lives.