Lesson 6: Getting Inside Fiction Writing
- To know the basic structure of fiction writing
- To know how to write fiction in a creative way
- To understand the advantages and disadvantages of fiction writing
Quick Navigation through the Lesson 6:
- Fiction
- Basic Structure of Writing Fiction
- Tips and Pointers when Writing Fiction
- How to Write Fiction Creatively
- Advantages of Fiction Writing
- Problems with Fiction Writing
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Writing in fiction means that writers creates with his/her imagination. Fiction does not literally mean that stories are based on actual events. There are five components that make up a fictional story these would include the plot, characters, theme, conflict and point of view.
Basic Structure of Writing Fiction
Plot is the story. It embodies what happens in the whole thing. The plot is what ties the story together. It connects the characters to their respective roles and actions. Plot gives a sense of what is happening in the story or what is it all about.
The characters of a story are mostly classified into three the antagonist, the protagonist and the foil character. They are the driving force of a story. A writer must at least create one character that can be relatable so that readers can connect with the story. And the characters must also be detailed well for the readers to understand how they are.
- The Protagonist is basically the hero/heroine of the story. This is the main character.
- The Antagonist is the enemy of your main character.
- The Foil Character, either one or more, is the character that reflects the traits of the main character.
If plot is the story itself then theme is the meaning of the story. It is a tone that is set by the writer to make the story insightful and memorable. Theme gives the reader a gist of what the story is about and what can be expected and learned from it.
Conflict makes a story more interesting. A story needs conflict to engage readers and to keep things moving and not to get stuck in one place. When a character decides to end his/her conflict which is the climax, the story now will lead to the resolution. The resolution marks the changes that has happened to the protagonist and helps the readers find the moral of the story.
Point of View
Point of view is from which perspective the story will be told. There are three types of perspectives the first, the second and the third person point of view.
- The First Person point of view is used when the writer chooses a narrator as the main character of the story. The story is told from his/her own perspective.
- The Second Person point of view is telling the story using the word “you”. The main character is called you throughout the story. This type of point of view is not commonly used in fiction writing but in writing poetry instead.
- The Third Person point of view is when the writer tells the story using the perspective of one or more of the characters in the story. A writer can either choose to use a third person objective or a third person omniscient. From the Third person objective it helps describe what the character is doing from an observational way. While third person omniscient perspective gives the reader a deeper understanding of what the main character is thinking about.
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Tips and Pointers when Writing Fiction
- Read and read out loud
- Create a space for your writing
- Always carry a notebook
- Ask for feedback
- Use appropriate punctuation marks
- Don’t Panic
- Cut unnecessary words
- Be Confident
How to Write Fiction Creatively
Learn the Craft
When a person decides to write fiction he/she needs to prepare for it. The person must study the craft on how to create fictional stories. One must write to show something and not to merely talk about it. By studying more about how to write fiction the person gains a firmer grasp on how to go about writing this type of story.
Have Desire
A writer must incorporate desire into his/her story. A character in the story must have desire to keep the story strong and grounded. Desire makes a character more interesting and the story more alive.
Establish Plot
A plot is in general is the whole story made by the writer. A writer must create a good plot to start creating a greater story.
Write a sound Point of view
Choose one point of view and stick to it. Be it the first, second or third point of view, a writer must choose one. Different or many perspectives in a story can sometimes confuse the readers.
Be Descriptive
As much as possible describe everything. A writer must give full details about their story’s setting, characters etc. This helps the reader understand what the writer is trying to convey.
Put out Dialogue
Dialogue aids in helping characters have more of a realistic feel to them. It gives them a life like presence to the readers.
Create Setting
Setting is the place or time you set your characters in. Again, a writer must describe where the story is taking place as to not lose the readers. The writer must be descriptive to help the readers see.
Find a Voice
Voice is the style of the story in a way. It is the personality of your main character that you want readers to understand.
Enhance a Theme
The theme of a story is its meaning. It is the moral in the end which the reader didn’t realize was also present throughout the whole story.
A writer doesn’t get it the first time. A story doesn’t get better if the writer doesn’t tweak it a bit. Revisions help make a more sound and grounded story. Revising helps a writer find faults and fix it in a more appropriate way.
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Advantages of Fiction Writing
Fiction Endures Time
Fiction stories are timely, it doesn’t matter if the reader is young or old, as long as it is a good fiction novel or story readers will keep on coming.
Best-selling Fiction book writers get paid better
Take it from J.K. Rowling who made millions just by writing the Harry Potter books. She is the best example for this advantage.
Free to let your Imagination run wild
When a person writes fiction, the possibilities are endless. Topics and ideas just keep on coming because the writers’ imagination can run wild and free.
Problems with Fiction Writing
Too many Ideas in one time
When a writer has too many ideas going on at one time, the essence of the story gets lost. The work will not be organized because points are veering of every corner of the page.
Standing out in a crowd can be tough
More often than not different writers may have the same idea. When this happens, it all boils down to how the writers create their story that would differ in a way from another.
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In summary, this lesson aims to educate you on what fiction is and how to write it. This lesson equips you with the knowledge of the basic structure of fiction writing which can help make your task to write easier. This gives you a look on how writing fiction can be a form of freedom creatively and personally. Now that you have read through what fiction is all about, we go now to the next lesson which will help you learn more about dialogue and conversation. A conversation is made up of dialogue, it is the characters voice. Read ahead to find out more about this topic.