Thesis Writing Class
We know that thesis writing is a crucial part of furthering your education—so we took it upon ourselves to put together this expert, easy-to-understand class to help you out. If you’re currently working on a challenging thesis paper or dissertation, then this is the class for you! With this course, we’re looking to provide you with a guide that answers all your thesis-related questions. What should you include in your introduction? What should you leave out of your Review of Related Literature? How detailed should your methodology be? How do you list down your tables and figures? What kinds of formats are available to you? This quick, well-outlined class will help you address all your concerns in a jiffy. Divided into three main parts—preparing for your thesis, writing your thesis and editing your thesis—this fun but informative course ensures that you have all your bases covered: leave nothing to chance! When working on something as important as your thesis or dissertation, it’s good to have all the information you need at your fingertips. Portable and easy to flip through, you can take this module with you wherever you go so you save time, money and effort. Sign up for our Thesis Writing Class now and you’ll be breezing through your excellent paper in no time!
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Lesson 1: The Importance of a Thesis
A thesis paper is in the case of most degree and diploma courses, a pre-requisite to graduation or attainment of the course’s credits. The term thesis was derived from the greek word θέσις which means to propose something or to put something out there. Colloquially, the term thesis is used to refer to the investigative or purposive, intensive paper which a student submits as his or her final body of work before attaining his or her undergraduate or masteral degree. When one is writing a thesis for his or her doctorate degree, we call the work a dissertation.
Lesson 2: The Coverage of This Class
This class has been made especially to cater to students who are currently writing or are about to write their thesis. These lessons are clear and concise, brief but well-informed.
A lot of other online thesis writing guides have a tendency to give vague tips which leave the student’s questions unanswered. In this class, you’ll find an in-depth answer for almost everything—we’ll discuss most of the challenges which you’ll encounter in the thesis writing process: from organizing your ideas to choosing a topic to writing your Review of Related Literature to discussing your results.
Lesson 3: Choosing A Topic
A thesis topic determines most things about the final outcome of your thesis paper—what will you write about? What are your scopes and limitations? What literature is relevant to your topic? How do you formulate your methodology? Because of this, it is important to know which factors to consider when choosing a thesis topic. If you choose the wrong topic or if you either underestimate or overestimate your abilities, you could end up writing a paper that doesn’t get passed because it doesn’t offer any new insight or you could fail your thesis because your methods were insufficient to answer the questions which your thesis topic proposes.
Lesson 4: What Makes A Good Thesis?
Before we can begin planning for or writing our thesis, it is important for us to first understand what makes a good thesis statement and subsequently, a good thesis paper. In this lesson, we’ll be discussing the different qualifiers for an effective and excellent thesis. We’ll also be taking a look at the different things which affect the quality of our thesis and how we can use these factors to our advantage.
Lesson 5: Who Is Your Audience?
One of the most important things to know when writing your thesis is who you’re writing the thesis for. Are you writing this for scientists? For literary critics? For philosophers? You need to determine the category or field of study under which your study falls. This helps determine everything else about your paper: the point of view from which it should be written, the tone that it should employ and the kind of data that you need to gather. In this lesson, we’ll be talking about the different questions which will help you determine who your audience is and how knowing your audience can, in turn answer these questions.
Lesson 6: What Resources Do You Need?
One of the most important things to consider when planning for your thesis paper is what kind of resources you’ll need and how to go about determining them. This is important to do in the planning stage because it takes time to acquire these things. In this part of the class, we’ll be taking a look at the different kinds of resources which you might need when going about your thesis. We’ll also be enumerating the different facilities which supply these kinds of resources.
Lesson 7: Title Page & Abstract
The title page and abstract are crucial to the success of your thesis because they’re the first thing which people reading your thesis will notice—it’ll determine whether or not you’re able to attain and keep your audience’s interest. In this lesson, we’ll be discussing how to come up with a compelling title as well as how to write an abstract.
Lesson 8: Table of Contents
One of the most important but commonly overlooked parts of the thesis paper is the Table of Contents. This typically appears after the title page and before abstract—it serves as a guide to the rest of your paper by listing down the different parts of your thesis and their corresponding page numbers. It sounds simple but because a thesis paper is used for academic purposes, it has to be formatted in a uniform way. In this lesson, we’re going to be looking at how to format the Table of Contents for our thesis paper.
Lesson 9: Introduction
You can talk about how the study began and what it aims to accomplish. This is also the section in which you should introduce your thesis topic: talk about why you chose it and how you chose to go about studying it. It’s also important to talk about your hypothesis (if applicable) or your notions prior to the study—what you expected. It would also be good to discuss the kind of methods which you chose to apply: state why you chose this method as opposed to other methods and about what kind of data you were able together. Along with that, you can talk (in general) about how conducting the study changed these initial opinions. You can also go on to talk about the general outcome of your results. You can say whether you were right or wrong about the topic in question.
Lesson 10: Review of Related Literature
The review of related literature is one of the most important parts of your thesis. It is basically a well-collated group of paragraphs in which you have room to expound on the relevance of your thesis to your particular field of study by citing related work that has been proven to have an impact in the concerned area. In this class, we’ll be discussing how to write a good review of related literature—what it should contain and what should be left out.
Lesson 11: Methods
The methodology is the part of your paper which ensures that your study is able to contribute something to the field which you’re studying because it contains the procedures, materials and different experimental designs which you used in your thesis. In this class, we’re going to be discussing a couple of guidelines which will help you write a good methodology.
Lesson 12: Results
In this lesson, we’ll be discussing how to properly report your results in a thesis paper. We’ll be setting guidelines which you can follow to help make this part easier for you to write. We’ll also be enumerating different ways in which the way you report your findings can contribute to the credibility of your paper.
Lesson 13: Discussion
The discussion of your results is one of the most important parts of our thesis. This is the part which ties your entire thesis together—in this section, you should be able to discuss all of the results you reported while being able to tie them in with your related literature, your thesis statement and the relevance of your study. In this lesson, we’ll be discussing the three important things which you’ll have to achieve when writing the discussion portion of your paper.
Lesson 14: Conclusion
In this lesson, we’re going to discuss how to properly wrap up your thesis. What are the things which you should include when writing your thesis conclusion? How does this contribute to your thesis’s effectiveness? We’ll be answering all these questions as well as talking about the different ways in which you can write the conclusion so that you leave a lasting impression on your readers.
Lesson 15: Recommendations
In this lesson, we’ll be discussing why recommendations are an important part of your thesis. We’ll also be talking about the different points which you should include when writing this part of your paper.
The recommendations part of your thesis is crucial for the growth of your field of study. This part is going to be especially relevant to people who might want to replicate your study. By looking at the different things which you would’ve done differently, they’re able to come up with a more effective and comprehensive study that might contribute a lot more knowledge to your field of study.
Lesson 16: Acknowledgements
In this lesson, we’ll be discussing the importance of the acknowledgements part of your thesis. We’ll also be discussing what it should include. Furthermore, we’ll be briefly discussing a few pointers on how to go about writing your acknowledgements.
The acknowledgements portion of your thesis is important because it allows you say thank you to the people who’ve helped you out. Much in the same way that you cite your sources when writing a paper, it’s important to mention the people who contributed in one way or another to your paper because it showcases your credibility as a researcher. It’s also a sign of respect toward your professors and your school.
Lesson 17: References
Your references page is one of the most important parts of your thesis paper. This list showcases the different sources which you used for your paper—without this, your panelists won’t be able to double-check your paper and your thesis won’t be considered credible. Furthermore, without this you won’t be giving proper credit to your sources (whether cited in-text or not) and will result in plagiarism charges.
Lesson 18: Appendices
The appendices usually contain additional material which is relevant to your study but which don’t fit in the other parts your paper (i.e. complex tables, medical records). You should also include rare reference materials which other students reading your studies may not be able to get their hands on—for example, if you have a manuscript which you were able to get from an old library that’s a couple of cities away or if the manuscript is old, including a copy in your appendices allows future researchers to access the material with ease. This ensures the continuity of your study.
Lesson 19: Editing & Trimming
Editing pertains to the general process of curating written information. When we edit something, we decide what information to keep, alter or remove altogether. Trimming refers to the act of removing bits of text from a body of work in order to improve it. Trimming is a consequence of editing. This is why this section of our lesson is entitled editing even if it has two lessons under it.
Lesson 20: Proofreading
Proofreading pertains to the process of re-reading your paper to be able to sort out different errors regarding spelling, grammar and punctuation. This is always the final step—you get to the proofreading process after you’re sure about the structure of your paper along with the organization of your ideas. This way, you can pay attention to the more technical aspects of language like grammar, spelling, punctuation and sentence construction.
Lesson 21: Class Conclusion
We began this course by introducing a thesis paper and what it’s for. We were able to establish that a thesis is your final requirement before earning your degree and that executing it well is key for being able to achieve a good education. After this, we were able to gear up for thesis writing by identifying the three phases of coming up with a thesis paper: planning, writing and editing. From there, we were able to divide the course into these three parts and specify how to go about accomplishing all the tasks that need to be completed in each specific portion.